
AI, Data Science & ML

Seen the progression of AI, Data science and Machine learning over the last years it’s clear the demand for engineers in this field is increasing. As an IT company we could not stay behind and we jumped on the bandwagon of the future. Programming skills our engineers possess are Python, R, Spark and SQL as well as experience of using the latest Data science platforms (e.g. Databricks, AzureML) and frameworks (e.g. Tensorflow, MXNet, scikit-learn). Any other technicall skills can be provided in case of demand.

Our Mission & Vision

We provide the best consulting services for businesses in various fields. We try to guide our current clients into the world of AI, Data science and ML. We strongly believe that this is the future for all layers of society and all companies can and will benefit from it. We love to welcome new clients with the same vision.